Sales banner

Theme section

Use the Sales banner section to announce a sale with a prominent discount, promotional headings and content, and optional buttons.

Set up section

Add this section to any template (except Checkout) and use the drag-and-drop handles to re-order its position. You can add this section multiple times with different content and settings.

Editing a template changes all pages that use that template. To edit specific pages, you can create new templates or insert dynamic content with metafields


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Select a Template to edit from the dropdown menu in the top bar.

    Learn how to use templates in our Templates guide.

  2. Under Template, click (+) Add section and select Sales banner.

  3. Click and hold the drag-and-drop handles ⋮⋮ to re-order your sections.

Add sale details

Add details about your sale, including the Sale type, Sale amount, Sale unit, and Terms and conditions. Adjust the Font size and the Currency symbol position.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Sales banner section to open the settings.

  2. Enter text for the Sale type. The default text sets the sale to be "up to" a certain percentage.

    Delete the text in this field for sales with a single percentage or dollar amount off on all sale products.

  3. Enter the Sale amount: either a dollar value or percentage number.

  4. Select the Sale unit: % off, $ per month, $ per year, $, %, or set it to None.

    You can change the default text for Per Month ("/mo") and Per year ("/yr") in the Default theme content editor. Learn more about Changing the wording in your theme.

  5. Enter text for any Terms and conditions that might apply to the sale.

  6. Click Save.

Add headings

Change the Heading, Subheading, and Text that displays in the right column of the banner.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Sales banner section to open the settings.

  2. Enter Heading text to display as a title at the top of the banner.

    we recommend one to three words.

    Delete the text in this field to remove the heading.

  3. Enter Subheading text to display beneath the heading.

    We recommend two to three short sentences.

  4. (Optional.) Enter additional Text beneath the headings to provide more information about the sale.

  5. Click Save.

Add buttons

Add a Button to link to your sale collections or products or any other page with a custom text.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Sales banner section to open the settings.

  2. Select or paste a URL for the Button link.

  3. Enter text for the Button label.

    The most effective button labels ask customers to do something (e.g. Get started, Join us, Shop now). To learn more, read "What is a Call to Action?"

  4. Select a Button style: either Solid, Outline, or Text.

    The button uses the theme-wide button color set in the Theme settings.

  5. Click Save.

Add background image

Choose to display a background image that spans the entire banner instead of a background color.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Sales banner section to open the settings.

  2. (Optional) Under Background image, click Select image to upload a background image.

    For optimal quality across all devices, we recommend images width or height of 2500px.

  3. Use Image focal points to specify the main focus of your images. The focal point of your image will remain centered and within frame when your site adapts to different screen sizes.

    See our image guide to learn more about specifying a focal point for an image used within a section or for an uploaded image file when used anywhere on your site.

  4. Use the color selector to change the Text and Background color.

    The background color appears when there's no background image.

  5. (Optional) Change the Overlay color and Overlay opacity using the slider to increase the contrast between the text and background image (if used).

    These settings help make your text clear and readable.

  6. (Optional) Click the Overlay gradient option to add a color overlay that fades across a range of hues.

    You can choose the style, angle, position, and opacity of the gradient. See Shopify's color gradient guide ↗ to learn more.

  7. Click Save.

Section style

Choose whether to show the banner Frame (border), enable Full width, customize section colors, and adjust the Padding of the section.


In your theme editor (Customize):

  1. Click on the Sales banner section to open the style settings.

  2. Use the Height and Mobile Height sliders to adjust the height of the entire banner.

    Choose between 200 - 800px on desktop and 300 - 800px on mobile.

  3. Under Color in the section settings, use the color selectors to customize the Text, Buttons, Sold button text, and Background color.

    We recommend using WebAIM's contrast checker when matching colors to make sure your text is clear and readable for everyone.

  4. Choose to use the Two columns or One column layout.

  5. Uncheck the Show frame option to hide the thin border line within the banner.

  6. Check the Enable full width option to span the banner across the whole window or screen, removing the margins on either side.

  7. Select a Padding option to add space around the section to either the Top and bottom, Top only, Bottom only, or set it to None.

  8. Click Save.

Settings reference

Click the Sales banner section to find the following settings.



Background image

Color and overlay

Section style

Related links

Countdown banner Countdown bar Promotion banner Promotion bar

Last updated